Trapping Links
Australian Govt - Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
Beware of Hydatids if trapping dogs and foxes
Anyone trapping wild dogs/dingoes and foxes should be aware of the potential of hydatid infection. It is a very real threat with serious health consequences that can be easily avoided. This NSW Agriculture site is the best I have found on the topic.
Other Sites
The Feral Flyer
The regular (usually weekly) e-newsletter of the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre.
Trapping Contractors
Tony Townsend Wild Dog Control
Professional dog trapper and howler working throughout Queensland. Over 20 years in wild dog control.
Phone: 0409 364 256
PAMQ Pest Animal Management Queensland
Pest Animal Management Queensland was established in September 2001 to provide Qld land managers with humane and effective solutions to pest and feral animal problems.
Glen Alchin Mobile: 0411 822 800
Wild Pest Management – Paul Billsborough
General Pest Management
Feral Pest Management (Fox, Dog, Cat)
Bird Control and Removal
Possum Removal
Email: Phone: 0407157710
Bill Crisp
Professional Wild Dog Caller and Trapper. Very good trapper that gets results through an in depth understanding of wild dog ecology.
Email: Phone:0416 081 591
Guardian Animals
Guard Animals for Livestock Protection
47 page pdf document about the existing and potential use of guardian animals in Australia. Animals such as Alpacas, Llamas, andMaremma dogs.